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Elmo's Art Maker Pizza

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Chi tiết game

Some say making a pizza is an art in itself, and Elmo from the Sesame Street Games category agrees, which is why he is inviting you to play a new and interesting creativity game called Elmo's Art Maker: Pizza, where coloring and decorating are fused with the cooking process of a pizza, so you are in for a new and interesting experience, one that even us had not had before in any of our games, so imagine how happy we are that right now we get to share with you this game. In the following part of the article we are going to teach you how the game works, so don't worry, playing it is not going to be difficult, but fun and interesting, as with all of our content! You can use the markers or pencil to color on the pizza whatever you want to, and you get to decorate it with the toppings all around it, such as tomatoes, garlic, onions, chorizo, salami, cheese, mushrooms, and even pineapple because the way the pizza looks and tastes are going to be up to you totally.

Đã thêm vào 31 Jul 2020
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