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Detective & the Thief

3,176 số lần chơi

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Cảm ơn bạn! Bình chọn của bạn đã được ghi lại và hiển thị sớm
Chi tiết game

Caught the thief and punish him, collect bank treasure Some bad thieves plan to rob a bank. So detectives are assigned against that case. As thieves hide behind walls, Player has to help to find the perfect path towards the Thieves. Draw lines to find a path and the detective will punish them. Be careful! There were many traps in the paths so be wise and use your brain to help the Detective. Don’t merge their paths either Game will be over, follow the color code of the bag and detective. Have fun playing this game here at!

Loại: Game Tư duy
Đã thêm vào 16 Jun 2024
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