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Cảm ơn bạn! Bình chọn của bạn đã được ghi lại và hiển thị sớm
Chi tiết game

You can't rush the pipe but the pipe can rush you. These are wise words from some of the elders of the Pipe Rush world. People who have played the pipe and won. You would be smart to listen to them. This is a game that will test your hand-eye reflexes and your ability to spot obstacles then quickly jump out of the way. You might just need that skill set in the real world. It is a good thing we are offering you the chance to test it out now. If you were to ever want to play this game in the real world it is on mobile and that is close enough to the real world now. In fact that is the real world now. Your reality has been warped.

Loại: Game Kỹ năng
Đã thêm vào 04 Sep 2022
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