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Wedding Style Challenge

116,068 số lần chơi

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Cảm ơn bạn! Bình chọn của bạn đã được ghi lại và hiển thị sớm
Chi tiết game

Today you are going to be a wedding planner and you will work with three beautiful brides. They are the three blonde Wonderland girls-princess! The princesses are getting married soon and you must help them find the right wedding dress. Every bride wants to look special on her wedding day so you have an important job to do. Creating one bridal look can be quite a big task, so how about three? But there is plenty of time and you have so many wedding dresses to choose from, not to mention the accessories. You also have to create their wedding makeup so start playing right now!

Đã thêm vào 14 Aug 2019
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